I was planting Darlisette strawberry runners, although I have no idea what the difference between a strawberry runner and a strawberry plant is. They arrived through the post in a padded envelope and I buried their squid like tentacles straight down into the ground. Those were roots, right, and not runners, I thought later? I paid scant regard to spacing, in fact no regard whatsoever... I rarely read instruction manuals.
Anyway it was pretty tedious work but the robin was sticking with it. 'He's made up his mind to make friends with thee,' I thought. 'Dang me if he hasn't taken a fancy to thee.' (That's the Secret Garden bit). Anyway I turned my back for a minute and the robin flew straight into the strawberry cage and nicked off with the fattest worm going before flying off into the distance. He wasn't interested in me at all. The red-breasted bastard. That'll teach me to anthropomorphise, or whatever.
In other news the garlic is growing!
The paranoia of January has finally given way to a more optimistic February. All is looking well on the plot... as long as that robin stays off my land.
Never heard a robin referred to as a 'red-breasted bastard' before. I'll see them in a new light in future.